I decided to give my hair a break and protect it while at the same time changing up my look. I can't seem to keep a hairstyle for more than three weeks. I just get bored!
So I found something that was cheap but still looked elegant ~ It's the Sleek Fashion Idol 101 hair extensions.
I had them installed as clip-ins as this gives me the flexibility to take them out as
I wish and still be able to give my own hair some TLC! So here's how I did it:

I wish and still be able to give my own hair some TLC! So here's how I did it:
I sectioned a leave-out and braided the rest of the hair into cornrows backwards
Then I measured along my head and cut the extensions to the right width at each section of my hair (starting from the back, working my way to the top of my head)
Then I sewed extension clips to each weft as needed ~ 2 or 3 or 4.
Then the fun bit! I clipped the wefts onto my braided hair. Make sure to click the combs shut :)
Straighten your left-out hair (don't forget Heat Protectant of course) and voila!...you're done.
Really quick and easy way to have extensions in and I can take them off at night if I want!!! ahhh ^ ^
Sleek Idol 101 (16 inches) from www.pakcosmetics.com
Extension clips from Ebay
Hope you enjoyed!
~ Kemi.A ~
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